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4DD ™ –  În decursul celor 15 ani de activitate am dezvoltat o metoda proprie de a lansa proiecte online, un checklist de 40 puncte de competenta. Ordinea in care acestea trebuie gandite si executate o puteti descarca intr-o versiune simpla. Pentru detalii puteti face apel la agentie, executam proiecte web pentru clienti, organizam sesiuni de training,  oferim suport de coaching pentru start-up si companii.

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* eQ = coeficientul de inteligenta digitala

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Articole Knwowledge Base

Personalize your Keyboard as you want

Press the Windows key + R to open the Run box, or open the Command Prompt. Type OSK and hit Enter. Now you know what kind of keyboard you have. Sometimes you have to change it* because you need some automatismes* because you bought it in France and have...

Uninstall Office (Microsoft)

I had a strange situation, but knowing Microsoft is not hard to imagine. You want to setup an Office (2019 PRO in that case) but you cannot because of the preinstalled version (365) . I mean in online office account everything ok, installing on computer ok, but you...

(Solved) Can not Activate Windows 8.1

(Solved) Can not Activate Windows 8.1

Situation: You just cloned your Windows 8.1 Windows on a new (SSD) disk with Acronis, Synology Active Backup or Aomei Backupper ; everything is going fine , but you cannot upgrade the Windows to 10 because you cannot activate it, a list of error will do the messages...

Change time server on Windows Server 2019

Here is how to configure Windows Time Service on Windows Server 2019 so that it acts as an NTP server for domain client computers. Type the following commands on PowerShell(elevated as administrator) w32tm /config / /syncfromflags:MANUAL...


Ce spun clientii despre noi

“Conceptualizarea unor procese o gasesti in multe sisteme de consulting. Insa implementarea este cea care face diferenta. Daca reusesti sa transmiti fluent si logic informatia catre angajati, acestia inteleg. Rezultatul este ca acestia in loc sa intrebe de fiecare data sau sa faca cereri externe, realizeaza sarcinile cu o normalitate … placuta”

Stephane, owner firma de software

Proiect: Coaching

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas porta urna eget massa auctor, vitae maximus nulla tempus. Duis tincidunt, augue ut vehicula imperdiet, massa purus interdum purus, vel posuere ex tortor at dui. Maecenas mollis interdum fringilla”

Divi Corner

Proiect: Training

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas porta urna eget massa auctor, vitae maximus nulla tempus. Duis tincidunt, augue ut vehicula imperdiet, massa purus interdum purus, vel posuere ex tortor at dui. Maecenas mollis interdum fringilla”

Divi Corner

Proiect: Client Web

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas porta urna eget massa auctor, vitae maximus nulla tempus. Duis tincidunt, augue ut vehicula imperdiet, massa purus interdum purus, vel posuere ex tortor at dui. Maecenas mollis interdum fringilla”

Alan Jamez

CEO & Founder, Flo Rida

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